What a monster!

Ever seen such a thing?! Any guesses what it might be? :-)
No, not a supersteroid pear. It's a squash! A really big squash my mum bought it at a farmers' market on the weekend. She plans to use it as a room decoration, not to cook it. The farmer told her to just let it sit there and turn orange, then it'll start to dry out and look artistically crinkly.
Of course it goes through an unattractive mouldy stage on the way, but just hold your nose and avert your gaze during then, I guess?
Yeah - what a great idea! Can you imagine the Christmas table; cleverly seat yourself and it'll blot out the relative you want to avoid!
I think it'd look pretty snazzy at Easter too, with a pair of fluffy bunny ears. ;-)
Niki, at 5/18/2005 05:15:00 pm
Damn....I was entirely going to guess "freak pear!".
Anonymous, at 5/18/2005 05:32:00 pm
I'm looking forward to the artistically crinkly phase!
Ana, at 5/19/2005 09:18:00 am
How shocking - I was going to guess pear, as well.
Nic, at 5/19/2005 10:32:00 am
I think it's a type of gourd?
M., at 5/19/2005 01:27:00 pm
it looks like winter melon to me - my mother used to chop it up and put it in soups...
Anonymous, at 5/19/2005 04:09:00 pm
Uh....weirdo pumpkin on the 'roids?
Hayley :)
Anonymous, at 5/20/2005 12:03:00 am
Wait! If it was harvested at a mature stage (check if the skin's thick and tough), you can dry it then plant the seeds.
Anonymous, at 5/29/2005 08:58:00 pm
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